Portfolio: Eoin Vincent


Recently, over a steaming cup of coffee brewed with his own freshly-roasted beans, we presented Gloucester photographer Eoin Vincent with a challenge: catalog each and every one of the 24 Babson Boulders scattered around Dogtown for our new Blogtown Common channel. Photographed from mid-April to mid-June, the images depict the dramatic change of season over that brief period of Cape Ann spring. They also show the skill of a passionate artist.

While the boulders date back to the late 1920s, their timeless messages remain prophetic almost 100 years later. We could all benefit from a stroll through the Dogtown woods, pausing to reflect on these massive glacial stones chiseled with such simple, but powerful, words: Truth, Courage, and, especially, Kindness. –The Editors


► To see the Babson Boulders for yourself, take a hike.

When he is not taking photographs, doing digital marketing, or biting his nails, you may find Eoin Vincent at Gloucester’s Breakwater Roasters, where he is the lead roaster. He shot this Babson Boulder project using the following equipment:

  • Nikon D500

  • Nikon D7000

  • Petzval 85mm f1 lens

  • Lensbaby 35mm, f2.8

  • Nikon 18-70 f3.5

  • Nikon 18-140mm, f3.5

  • Nissin Flash & Impact Lighting Tripod


Journey to Dogtown


John Sloan: “A Weird Stretch of Landscape”